Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Present - 珍贵的礼物

While searching for some of the reading material related to Who Moved My Cheese, I've found an article about the summary of another book from the same author, The Present.

Here is how the summary looks like :-

Three Ways to Use Your Present Moments

1. Be in the Present:
When you want to be happy and successful.
- Focus on what is right now.
- Use your purpose to respond to what is important now.

2. Learn from the Past:
When you want to make the Present better than the Past.
- Look at what happened in the Past.
- Learn something valuable from it.
- Do Things Differently in the Present.
3. Plan for the Future:
When you want to make the Future better than the Present.
- See what a wonderful future would you like.
- Make plans to help it happen.
- Put your plan into your action in the Present.

就在同一天,我在我太太的车上看到了一本书的内页写了一些蛮有意思的三行字 :-


矣! 怎么这么巧? 在同一天,看到非常相近的内容,特别是以上的三行字,即简短,又特别有意思。尤其对我而言 !

一直以来,觉得自己从没有认真的探讨过自己的内心世界,其中最主要的原因就是没有‘自我检讨’! 希望通过这几行字,及珍贵的礼物,常常提醒自己“认真检讨”, 并仔细的“规划未来”!每天临睡前看看书,想想当天发生的事,甚至利用部落格写一写日记未尝也不是件好事啊!

是时候“活得更有意义了!” 加油!加油!加油!

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